nerve end

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  1. Brain: Concentration of nerve tissue in the front or upper end of an animal's body.
  2. Nerve conduction velocities of MCV of median nerve, near end SCV and near end SCV of ulnar decreased significantly.
  3. Methods: A rabbit model of the greater auricular nerve end to side anastomosis was established.
  4. Electrophysiological experiment: Spontaneous discharge percentage of nerve fibers at the central end of experimental rat sciatic nerve was remarkably lower than that of the control group ( 6.79% vs 46.7%).
  5. And in 2 cases with tympanic-mastoid cavity-intracranial SFN, 1 underwent hypoglossal nerve transplantation to replace the facial nerve ( loop of hypoglossal nerve was transplanted to replace the hypoglossal nerve), while the other 1 underwent loop of hypoglossal nerve transplantation into the distal end of facial nerve.
  6. Distribution of Ia afferent fibers in the nerve end branches of gastrocnemius muscle
  7. AIM To observe axoplasm flow of regenerative nerve resumed to confirm the possibility of nerve fibre regeneration after end to side neurorrhaphy.
  8. Expression of calcitonin gene-related peptid-immanoreactivity positive fibers in dorsal root ganglion and nerve trunk after end-to-side neurorrhaphy
  9. Antibody of CGRP was labeled clearly at the nerve terminals and motor end plate in the normal tibialis anterior muscle.
  10. The distance from the lacrimal nerve to the lateral end of SOF was 4. 17 ± 1. 70 mm;
  11. The inferior alveolar nerve at the end of mandibular canal is divided into two branches: The incisor nerve and the mental nerve.
  12. The examination of histology shows that the marginal myelin sheath happened demyelination in Group ⅰ, the nerve of near end grew gradually toward to far end, the injuried nerve had no obviously difference comparing to the normal myelin sheath in sum 、 diameter and thickness after three months;
  13. Conclusion Digital artery re-verse island flap combined with digital nerve end to side anastomosis is a simple and effective procedure for repair of finger defect.
  14. Group D, the tibial nerve was severed, the proximal end of it was sutured end to side with the windowed trunk of the distal part of the severed peroneal nerve.
  15. The other 30 patients of facial nerve injury received traditional neural end anastomose rehabilitation. The functional recovery of facial expression muscle over time after surgery and the dynamic changes in electromyography ( EMG) were observed.
  16. While the distal end of severed peroneal nerve was sutured end to side directly with normal nerve tibial trunk and windowing was done in group E.
  17. In group B, the right peroneal nerve was sectioned and sutured with end to end neurorrhaphy.
  18. Comparative studies of peripheral nerve repair mode between end to side neurorrhaphy and side to side neurorrhaphy in rates
  19. Preliminary investigation of treatment of ulnar nerve defect by end to side neurorrhaphy
  20. Effect of nerve growth factors on functional recovery of target organ in peripheral nerve end in an end-to-side fashion
  21. Objective To investigate role of reverse digital artery island flap combined with dig-ital nerve end to side anastomosis.
  22. The ulnar nerve injury repair by end-to-side neurorrhaphy
  23. All the cases were those with symptoms in the unilateral upper limb ( 10 cases with left side and 10 with right side), and given physical treatment or nerve block treatment at the end of one week before examination.
  24. Methods The model of the rabbit greater auricular nerve end-to-sid anastomosis was utilized, horseradish peroxidase ( HRP) labeled neurons was used to observe the process of donor nerve axon entered receptor nerve, the characteristics of neuron cells and metrology analysis.
  25. Effect of unilateral mastication on ultrastructures of nerve fiber and motor end plate in disused master muscle
  26. The axonal regeneration and functional situation of the sciatic nerve were further evaluated by the trace-back of fluorescence in the nerve at the end of 12 weeks after surgery.
  27. Neurotrophin-3 ( NT-3) is one of the important factors in the regenerative milieu and plays a variety of physiological effects on the development of nervous system, protection of neurons in the central nervous system, peripheral nerve regeneration and prevent the degeneration of motor end plate.